You Don't Want To Make This Mistake When Visiting St. John

Is that you standing on the white sandy deserted beach? Or are you the person walking down the road on the left? – if you’re the one on the left then you’re outta your God Damn mind! This is definitely the time of the year to be gone from the East Coast. Temperature today on St. John is 79 degrees, sunny and another perfect day for a beach chair, cooler full of Heineken, and simply stare out at the perfect clear ocean while you forgot work, virus, masks, responsibilities, freezing cold and endless snow! Which beach is this? Naw, not gonna tell you! You tell me which one.  But a hint, it’s a pretty easy hike to it and usually deserted.


Whenever you come to St. John this year, regardless of where you stay - get your car rented first thing! See when this whole virus thing hit the fan two years ago, island guests temporarily stopped coming, the car rental companies did not upgrade and trade out their fleets. Coupled with a shortage of computer chips for new vehicles, the island car rental market is an absolute mess!
Possible solution – I maintain a list of about 30 agencies with vehicles. Give me an email and I’ll send it along to you. When you contact them be sure to call and talk to someone they do not respond well to emails and voice messages. Just an island thing. Sopra Mare has been rented every single night since Halloween 2021 all the way through May 14th of this year. But I still have a lot of summer weeks available right now.  Bordo Mare is the same way – been full every single night since September 27th, 2021 all the way now thru June 18th this year. I’m not bragging (gloating maybe just a little – thanks to all of you renting my places) but the “better” villas are often getting three/four inquiries for the same weeks. This leads to two things: lack of availability and a steady increase in villa prices due to high demand.
So, just sayin, book early or you’ll be left out in the cold just like that person in the picture above. Plane flights to St. Thomas are increasing daily and prices for the Summer aren’t crazy high yet. If you haven’t tried flights yet give a try and also I’ve used both in the past and they pretty much give the best prices – although with matrix you will need to get prices then go to the airlines website, you can’t book through matrix.


I keep getting questions about the Dominican Republic so here’s an updated video of “Malibu 1” for you to enjoy and this 4,700 sq ft place is priced at $429,000.  Malibu 2 is currently under a sold contract and should close in the next 60 days.

You and your family stay safe and warm and don’t get a heart attack from shoveling the damn snow, I hate to lose even one of you readers.

I’ll “Leave The Lite On For You” at your island home – Bordo Mare or Sopra Mare.