I have a very special story for you!

In the 1750's a British Sea Captain, John Newton in his mid-twenties commanded two slaving vessels - Duke of Argle and African (1750-1754) delivering slaves from the East Coast of Africa to the West Indies. Of course, at that time, our United States Virgin Islands were owned by the Danes.

In all likelihood some of those 200 slaves on-board each trip, after enduring several months at sea in unsanitary conditions were sold on St. John to rich plantation owners for work in the sugar fields and mills. Descendants of these original slaves are likely part of the current St. John population.

Late at night on the Duke of Argle while Newton lay sleepless in his cabin, he heard through the oak deck planks five melodic musical notes likely from a West African chant hummed over and over by the wretched souls enduring the cramped inhumane life in the dark belly of the ship far below him. These notes haunted Newton for the rest of his life. Click below to hear the melody:

Sound familiar?

Now - The Rest of The Story

John Newton retired from the slave trade at the age of twenty-nine but for nearly two decades the melodic notes were in his mind each night. In 1772 he set the lyrics to this slave melody to what was to become the most famous song in the world. Played and song more than eleven million times each year and recorded by over six thousand musical artists, everyone from Elvis to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

John Newton later in life became an Anglican Minister speaking out as an abolitionist described the horrors of the Slave Trade and his role in it. He fought tirelessly throughout his remaining life against legalized slavery in England. In February 1807, when the act to abolish the Slave Trade finally became law, John Newton, nearly blind and death, "rejoiced to hear the wonderful news." He died very shortly thereafter in the same year.

Final Word

I know right now times are hard for all. But when you're down and depressed think of those slaves more than 300 years ago frightened, scared chained to the walls but in spite of everything gave us everlasting music for this world to enjoy. Then life just might appear less complicated and dismal. This too shall pass, I should know because I’ve pretty much seen it all after all these years on earth.

Shameless Marketing

Airfares have been absolutely crushing everyone lately. To give you a little help, I am announcing a 15% to 20% “Discount” on weekly villa prices throughout the Summer starting today! Got plenty of weeks available at both Sopra Mare and Bordo Mare. Let me know, most of you already are aware of how much I absolutely hate open “Orphan” nights! Let’s make a deal!

For more on St. John and Mulley’s St. John Villas, Click below:

Til next month “I’ll Leave The Light On At Your Island Home”
Mike Mullen
But you can just call me “Mulley”
Email: mtbgroup1@outlook.com
Call: (972) 679-9937